Email Campaigns
Email Marketing is a fast, effective and economical way to keep your customers informed about new products, services, special promotions and events. Customized email campaigns are one of the most flexible marketing tools with an outstanding return on investment.
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- Email design and delivery
- Email campaign management
- Campaign result tracking
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Houseplants for the Home Office

All About Amaryllis

Bird Feeding Basics

Cold Tolerant Annuals

Valentine’s Day: Cultivate Love

Preparing Your Landscape for Winter

Tropical Houseplants : A Taste of the Tropics with Houseplants

Sustainability for the Home Garden

Sustainability for the Home Garden - Coast of Maine

Watering When Away

Bringing Home Baby Chicks

A Taste of the Tropics

April Gardening - Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants

Azalea: A Gem in the Spring Landscape - Coast of Maine

Backyard Birdscaping

Bringing Butterflies to the Backyard

Backyard Oasis

Build a Backyard Sanctuary for Pollinators

Celebrate Pollinator Week

Creating a Backyard Ecosystem

Critters in the Garden

Dealing with Drought

Gardening to Combat Climate Change

Great Gifts for Dad

Great Gifts for Dad - Coast of Maine

Great Gifts for Mom

Grow Your Own Grilling Herbs

Grow a Calming Container Garden

Hummingbird Handguide

Hummingbird Handguide - Coast of Maine


Hydrangeas - Coast of Maine

Long Blooming Perennials for Summer

Plant a Patriotic Flower Garden

Plant a Patriotic Flower Garden - Coast of Maine

Pollinator Plants Pulling Double Duty

Raised Bed Herb Gardens

Raised Bed Herb Gardens - Coast of Maine

Raised Bed Tomato Gardens

Raised Bed Tomato Gardens - Coast of Maine

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardens

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardens - Coast of Maine


Roses - Coast of Maine

Seed Starting for Beginners

Shrubs for Summer Color

Simple Fruit Tree Pruning

Soil - The Secret Ingredient to a Great Garden

Soil - Master Nursery (West)

Soil - Master Nursery (East & Mid)

Spring Frost Protection

Spring Lawn Care

Spring Lawn Care - Coast of Maine

Summer Garden Calendar

Summer Watering Tips

The Benefits of Bats

The Staycation

Tomatoes & Peppers

Tomatoes & Peppers - Coast of Maine

Victory Garden

Victory Garden - Coast of Maine

Autumn Bloomers

Autumn Bloomers - Coast of Maine

Autumn - Why Plant Now

Battle for the Bulbs

Colorful Winter Pansies

Fall Frost Protection

Fall Lawn Care

Fall Lawn Care - Coast of Maine

The Pros & Cons of Fall Mulching

Fall Mums

Fall Vegetable Garden

Fantastic Fall Shrubs

Forcing Bulbs for the Holidays and Beyond

Growing Your Favorite Fall Greens

Ornamental Cabbage & Kale

Plant a Tree This Fall

Top Native Shrubs for Year-Round Interest

Tulip Time

Bring the Holidays Home

Decorating for the Holidays

Fresh Cut Christmas Tree Selection & Care

Gifts from the Greenhouse

Holiday Houseplants

Holiday Open House

Holiday Poinsettia Care

Spreading Holiday Graditude

Poinsettias: Something Different

Shop Small Business Saturday

More Than a Stocking Stuffer

Year-End Thank You

Unload Holiday Inventory

Bring on the Bulbs

Bring on the Bulbs - Beauty

Bulbs - Color in the Garden

Sensational Strawberries

Raising Laying Hens

The Container Herb Garden

Growing Northern Blueberries

Azalea: A Gem in the Spring Landscape

5 Easy Steps to Creating a Vegetable Garden

Wonderful Watermelon

Shade Gardening with Perennials

Baby Your Veggie Babies

Attracting Ladybugs to the Garden

Best Scents for a Mindful Garden

Fall Vegetable Garden

Intruider Alert! There are earwigs in your garden!

Perennials for the Cutting Garden

Successful Indoor Succulent Garden

Putting on Airs: Tillandsia

Peony Primer

Hardy Hibiscus

Ecoregions + Native Plant Gardening

Pet-Friendly Houseplants

The Eerily Beautiful Gothic Garden

Beginner's Guide to Fruit Tree Cultivation

Planting with Purpose

Growing Sunflowers

Cleaning the Coop

Protecting Plants in an Unpredictable Climate

General Holiday Email: Christmas

General Holiday Email: Easter

General Holiday Email: Father's Day

General Holiday Email: Fourth of July

General Holiday Email: Hanukkah

General Holiday Email: Labor Day

General Holiday Email: Memorial Day

General Holiday Email: Mother's Day

General Holiday Email: New Years

General Holiday Email: Thanksgiving

General Holiday Email: Veteran's Day

General Holiday Email: Winter Holiday

Gardening Tips: February

Fresh Holiday Trees, Roping, Wreaths, & Greens